get the cluster_name_space of source & Target cluster.
source_cluster (Producer)
create datashare Data_share_copy_source_2_target publicaccessible=false; --create Datashare
alter datashare Data_share_copy_source_2_target add schema schema_name; --- add schema to migrate the tables
alter datashare Data_share_copy_source_2_target set includenew=true for schema schema_name;--add future object
alter datashare Data_share_copy_source_2_target add all tables in schema schema_name;--current objects
grant usage on datashare Data_share_copy_source_2_target to namespace '[target_cluster_name_space]';
Target_cluster (consumer)
--create new datashare to import the data to current/target cluster
create database import_DS_target from datashare Data_share_copy_source_2_target of namespace '[source_cluster_name_space]';
--copy the data from imported Datashare to target DB tables
Move data from source to Target:
create the empty table1 with same structure on target DB and insert the data.
insert into schema_name.table1 select * from Data_share_copy_source_2_target.schema_name.table1