Friday, January 31, 2020

How to unlock the admin user in Netezza Database?

we had faced issue where we unfortunately locked the admin user on Netezza and unable to conenct to NZSQL,NZADMIN and even aginity work bench.

User wrongly updated the system table .
update _t_user set uselocked=TRUE where usename='ADMIN';

because of the above admin user locked out and its throwing the  error "access denied".

SYSTEM.ADMIN(ADMIN)=> select uselocked from _t_user where USEname='ADMIN1';
(1 row)

we have special command to reset the admin  user and it worked.

nzsql -admin -c "alter user admin reset account" ;

SYSTEM.ADMIN(ADMIN)=> select uselocked from _t_user where USEname='ADMIN1';
(1 row)

Monday, January 27, 2020

what are the features of AWS Redshift database?

Features of AWS Redshift database

  • Columnar data storage instead Row
  • Data compression
  • Cloud based Data-warehouse
  • Massive Parallel Processing
  • Easily scalable
  • Result caching
  • Fault tolerant