Monday, November 14, 2022

ORA-00800 and ORA-700 in oracle database


we have recently build new oracle database with version and alert log reported the below 2 errors.

Errors in file /oracle/DB_name/diag/rdbms/DB_name/DB_name/trace/DB_name_vktm_60713.trc  (incident=54058):

ORA-00800: soft external error, arguments: [Set Priority Failed], [VKTM], [Check traces and OS configuration], [Check Oracle document and MOS notes], [] (Doc ID 2718971.1)

Incident details in: /oracle/DB_name/diag/rdbms/DB_name/DB_name/incident/incdir_54058/DB_name_vktm_60713_i54058.trc


Error attempting to elevate VKTM's priority: no further priority changes will be attempted for this process

VKTM started with pid=5, OS id=60713

Root cause and solution:

ORA-00800: soft external error, arguments: [Set Priority Failed], [VKTM] (Doc ID 2718971.1)I

In the DB_name DB system, it seems "$ORACLE_HOME/bin/oradism" file permissions and ownership are not as per the oracle recommendation. It should be owned by root:oinstall and setups bit set. Will inform to System admin to set the ownership and permission.

$ ls -latr $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oradism

-rwsr-x--- 1 root oinstall 147848 Apr 17 2019 oradism >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Correct one

Need run from root user:

# chmod u+s oradism



PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET specified is high

Errors in file /oracle/DB_name/diag/rdbms/DB_name/DB_name/trace/DB_name_ora_60307.trc  (incident=48015):

ORA-00700: soft internal error, arguments: [pga physmem limit], [3221225472], [3033848422], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []

Incident details in: /oracle/DB_name/diag/rdbms/DB_name/DB_name/incident/incdir_48015/DB_name_ora_60307_i48015.trc


Oracle Recommendation :

ORA-700 [sms physmem limit] / [pga physmem limit] Errors while Starting the Database (Doc ID 2610312.1)

The issue is caused by overall memory configuration, i.e. the SGA TARGET + PGA LIMIT total is greater than system's memory limit. Here SGA TARGET + PGA memory allocated  is around 92 % of total physical memory. We have changed “pga_aggregate_target” memory value as per recommendation. Please see below details for reference. We will check the alert log after a DB bounce to confirm the alerts.


----- Beginning of Customized Incident Dump(s) -----

WARNING: PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET (3072 MB) is too high for

         the amount of physical memory (15531 MB) and

         SGA size (8192 MB) - it should be less than 2893 MB.

Thumb rule to setup PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET:

(Doc ID 2610312.1)

Total memory = 100%  
Reserved for OS = 20% 

Out of the remaining 80% 
PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET = 50% of 80%   
SGA_TARGET = 50% of 80% of total memory

PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET = 25% of 85% total memory 3
PGA_AGGREGATE_LIMIT = 50% of 85% total memory 6
SGA_TARGET = 50% of 85% total memory


Monday, November 7, 2022

script to copy data from S3 bucket to Redshift?


script to copy data from S3 bucket to Redshift:

script to copy data from S3 bucket to Redshift using keys:

copy db_name.schema_name.tabl2 FROM 's3://s3_bucket/tabl2.csv' 

credentials 'aws_access_key_id=123456789; aws_secret_access_key=987654321;token=12345678898' CSV IGNOREHEADER 1 REGION 'us-east-1';

script to copy data from S3 bucket to Redshift using ARN:

copy  db_name.schema_name.table8 from  's3://s3_bucket/table8.csv

iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/S3_to_Redshift_copy_role'


How to make the session and user priority to increase in Redshift Database?

 user priority change:

The new priority to be assigned to all queries issued by user_name. 

This argument must be a string with the value CRITICAL, HIGHEST, HIGH, NORMAL, LOW, LOWEST, or RESET. 

Only superusers can change the priority to CRITICAL.

 Changing the priority to RESET removes the priority setting for user_name.

select change_user_priority('<username>','<Priority>');

select change_user_priority('','HIGHEST');

session priorty change:

CHANGE_SESSION_PRIORITY enables superusers to immediately change the priority of any session in the system. 

Only one session, user, or query can run with the priority CRITICAL.

returns the process identifier of the server process handling the current session.

select pg_backend_pid();

select change_session_priority(30311, 'Lowest');




Succeeded to change session priority. Changed session (pid:30311) priority to lowest.

(1 row)

setup DDL Group in Redshift database

 setup DDL  Group in Redshift database

1.create group   <group_name>

2.load the DDL Privilege's to group

3.add the users to DDL  group

create schema <schema_name>;

create group  group_<schema>_DDL;

GRANT CREATE ON  database <DB name>  to group group_<schema>_DDL;

GRANT all ON  schema <schema_name>    to group group_<schema>_DDL;

How to setup Read-only and Read-write Group in Redshift database?


setup Read-only and Read-write   Group in Redshift database:

1.create group   <group_name>

2.load the select /DML Privilege's to group

3.add the users to Read-only or Read-write  group

Please find the syntax for Read-Only:

grant usage on schema <schema_name> to group Redshift_readonly_group;

grant select on all tables in schema <schema_name> to group Redshift_readonly_group;

ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA <schema_name> GRANT select ON tables TO group Redshift_readonly_group;

Please find the syntax for Read-Write:

grant usage on schema <schema_name> to group Redshift_read-write_group;

grant select,insert,update,delete on all tables in schema <schema_name> to group Redshift_read-write_group;

ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA <schema_name> GRANT select,insert,update,delete ON tables TO group Redshift_read-write_group;

what is the privilege needed to create UDF function using Python in Redshift Database?

 privilege needed to  create UDF function using Python in Redshift:

grant usage on language plpythonu to group <group>;

script to find currently running queries in Redshift Database

 script to find  currently running queries in Redshift:

select userid , query , pid , starttime , text from stv_inflight order by starttime desc;

script to find  currently locks in Redshift:

select table_id, last_update, lock_owner, lock_owner_pid from stv_locks;


Redshift interesting interview questions ?

 Redshift interesting  interview questions:

1) can we  make the SSO user as super user in Redshift?

        No,you cant   make the SSO  authenticated user as super user in Redshift Database.

 alter user "user@ABC.COM" CREATEUSER; ==> not working

SQL Error [42601]: ERROR: Superusers cannot have disabled passwords

2)How to Lock the Redshift Database users?

we can disable the user based on the life cycle using super user.

 alter user "user@ABC.COM"  valid until '10-aug-2022'; 

This will make the user as disabled and wont be able to login to Redshift database.

script to Unload Redshift table data to S3 bucket?

 script to Unload Redshift table data to S3 bucket:

we can unload the data using 2 credential from Redshift to S3 bucket.

1)access key & secret key

2) ARN roles

UNLOAD ('SELECT * FROM DB_name.schema1.table2')

TO 's3://s3_bucket_name/table2.csv'

iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/s3_to_Redshift_load_bucket'

KMS_KEY_ID '123456789'

encrypted PARALLEL on


s3_bucket_name--> s3 bucket name

ARN name --> iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/s3_to_Redshift_load_bucket

KMS_KEY_ID --> '123456789'

CSV --> format

IAM error retrieving temp credentials: User: arn:aws:sts::123456789:assumed-role/AzureSSOuser/ is not authorized to perform: redshift:JoinGroup on resource: arn:aws:redshift:us-east-1:123456789:dbgroup:Redshift-prod/User.assignedroles because no identity-based policy allows the redshift:JoinGroup action (Service: AmazonRedshift; Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDenied; Request ID:123456789) User: arn:aws:sts::123456789:assumed-role/AzureSSOuser/ is not authorized to perform: redshift:JoinGroup on resource: arn:aws:redshift:us-east-1:123456789:dbgroup:Redshift-prod/User.assignedroles because no identity-based policy allows the redshift:JoinGroup action (Service: AmazonRedshift; Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDenied; Request ID:123456789)


we got the below error when Redshift SSO user login to Redshift database:

IAM error retrieving temp credentials: User: arn:aws:sts::123456789:assumed-role/AzureSSOuser/ is not authorized to perform: redshift:JoinGroup on resource: arn:aws:redshift:us-east-1:123456789:dbgroup:Redshift-prod/User.assignedroles because no identity-based policy allows the redshift:JoinGroup action (Service: AmazonRedshift; Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDenied; Request ID:123456789)

 User: arn:aws:sts::123456789:assumed-role/AzureSSOuser/ is not authorized to perform: redshift:JoinGroup on resource: arn:aws:redshift:us-east-1:123456789:dbgroup:Redshift-prod/User.assignedroles because no identity-based policy allows the redshift:JoinGroup action (Service: AmazonRedshift; Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDenied; Request ID:123456789)

Root cause & Solution:

when a Redshift  SSO user tried login to  database using SSO authentication got the above error,because dbgroup parameter is NOT mentioned in the connection string,user should add the dbgroups parameter  in the connection staring and it worked.

script to find out unload and copy counts on Redshift database?

script to find out unload and copy counts on Redshift database:

The below script will provide the count of copy/unload process on the same session.

 select pg_last_copy_count();

select pg_last_unload_count();

script to find out if the user granted assumrole privilege on database for unload/copy?

 script to find out if the user granted assumrole privilege on database for unload/copy:

select has_assumerole_privilege('', 'arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/redshift-s3-unload-service-role', 'copy');




select has_assumerole_privilege('', 'arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/redshift-s3-unload-service-role', 'unload');




Thursday, November 3, 2022

SQL Error [XX000]: ERROR: User does not have ASSUMEROLE permission on IAM role "arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/Redshift-s3-unload-role" for UNLOAD


when I tried to unload some data from Redshift to S3 bucket using the  Redshift SSO  user got the below error.

SQL Error [XX000]: ERROR: User does not have ASSUMEROLE permission on IAM role "arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/Redshift-s3-unload-role" for UNLOAD


after some investigation  found that ,we should grant the assumrole privilege's to the user ,after granting the privilege issue resolved.

Syntax: ==>Unload

grant assumerole on 'arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/Redshift-s3-unload-role'  to "" for unload;

Syntax: ==>copy

grant assumerole on 'arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/Redshift-s3-unload-role'  to "" for copy;

Thursday, October 13, 2022

can we create database user name start with undercore(_) in aws Redshift?

 can we create database user name  start with underscore(_)  in aws Redshift?

No,its not allowed in IAM database user with Single sign on,you should create the database  name starting with character.

DbUser parameter must begin with a letter, contain only alphanumeric characters, underscore ('_'), plus sign ('+'), dot ('.'), at ('@'), or hyphen ('-'), and be less than 128 characters. (Service: AmazonRedshift; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidParameterValue

Thursday, September 8, 2022

How to change the time zone of time in oracle database

 we have requirement to change the time zone format of the data (UTC to CST)  from the column and oracle provided solution to convert the time zones.

Here is the function that you should use to convert the timezone:

to_char(NEW_TIME(SCHEDULED_TIME,'GMT','CDT'), 'dd-mm-yy hh:mi:ss')

old time zone data:


---------------- ---------------- --------------------

servername124        FINAL            06-09-22 03:29:00 PM

new  time zone data:


---------------- ---------------- --------------------

servername124         FINAL            07-09-22 10:29:00 AM

Monday, July 4, 2022

ORA-39181: Only partial table data may be exported due to fine grain access control on



I got the below error while doing the export of few tables.

. exported "admin"."REG_CONFIG"                          6.507 KB       1 rows

. . exported "admin"."TEST_TO_UPLOAD"                    5.156 KB       3 rows

ORA-39181: Only partial table data may be exported due to fine grain access control on "admin"."fiel_TAB"

Root cause:
Looks like fine grained access policy has been enabled on those tables and need to granted the access .

select * from dba_policies where OBJECT_OWNER='ADMIN' AND OBEJCT_NAME='FIEL_TAB';


Monday, February 28, 2022

SAML error: invalid_grant: BBSTS50056: The user account {EmailHidden} does not exist in


we are using SSO on aws  Redshift database login and we got the below error and I tried to connect to Redshift using SSO and got the below error,but local accounts able to make connections to database.Then found the issue Related to SAML assertion.

Something unusual has occurred to cause the driver to fail. Please report this exception.

  SAML error: invalid_grant: BBSTS50056: The user account {EmailHidden} does not exist in the 45f81a76-3477-44dd-b547-fgb3b6a146543 directory. 

To sign into this application, the account must be added to the directory. Trace ID: 45dd7dae-8355-45bc-b4f9-43df120f888 Correlation ID: 1fed5c1a-7c4f-4ffc-b234-672d069c15c1 Timestamp: 2022-02-28 05:28:14Z 


unable to login to Redshift database using SSO

Root cause:

Then found the issue Related to SAML assertion. Users unable to connect to Redshift DB because  the respective  AD account has been deleted on Azure Active directory.

looks like the AD accounts marked as deleted on AZURE Active directory.


we asked the cloud admin to enable the AD accounts on Azure active directory and issue resolved.

script to find out which database actively used in AWS redshift

 To identify which databases are actively used, you can run this SQL command as a superuser.

SELECT database,

  COUNT(*) as num_queries,

  AVG(DATEDIFF(sec,starttime,endtime)) avg_duration,

  MIN(starttime) as oldest_ts,

  MAX(endtime) as latest_ts

FROM stl_query

WHERE userid > 1

GROUP BY database; 

script to find out owner of the schema in aws Redshift

 script to find out owner of the schema in aws Redshift:

select nspname as schema, usename as owner

from pg_catalog.pg_namespace, pg_catalog.pg_user

where pg_catalog.pg_namespace.nspowner = pg_catalog.pg_user.usesysid

and pg_catalog.pg_user.usename ='us_sales';

   schema |  owner


 us_sales | dwuser

(1 row)

script to list all schema in AWS redshift database

 script to list all schema in AWS redshift database:

select s.nspname as table_schema,

       s.oid as schema_id,  

       u.usename as owner

from pg_catalog.pg_namespace s

join pg_catalog.pg_user u on u.usesysid = s.nspowner

order by table_schema;

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

ORA-02291: integrity constraint (RMAN.RLH_F1) violated - parent key not found


when I tried to register the oracle DB with catalog DB during registration process got the below error.


database registered in recovery catalog

starting full resync of recovery catalog

got ORA-02291: integrity constraint (RMAN.RLH_F1) violated - parent key not found

ORA-06512: at "RMAN.DBMS_RCVCAT", line 7261 during resync

retrying with snapshot controlfile

Creating and using snapshot control file for resync

starting full resync of recovery catalog

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================

RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================

RMAN-03008: error while performing automatic resync of recovery catalog

ORA-02291: integrity constraint (RMAN.RLH_F1) violated - parent key not found


could be the same Db already registered and not properly unregistred ,so that we  got the above error.


connect to RMAN catalog DB using Catalog user and  execute the below package.

Connected to:

Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production


SQL> select name,open_mode from v$database;


--------- --------------------



  command, resetlogs_time

 from rc_database

 where name = '&db_name';  2    3    4

Enter value for db_name: TESTDB

old   4:  where name = '&db_name'

new   4:  where name = 'TESTDB'

 from rc_database


ERROR at line 3:

ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

SQL> conn rman

Enter password:



  command, resetlogs_time

 from rc_database

 where name = '&db_name';  

Enter value for db_name: TESTDB

old   4:  where name = '&db_name'

new   4:  where name = 'TESTDB'








PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.


> rman target / catalog rman@RCATDB

Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Wed Jan 12 06:11:50 2022


Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

connected to target database: TESTDB (DBID=987618234)

recovery catalog database Password:

connected to recovery catalog database

recovery catalog schema version is newer than RMAN version


database registered in recovery catalog

starting full resync of recovery catalog

full resync complete

RMAN> list db_unique_name all;

List of Databases

DB Key  DB Name  DB ID            Database Role    Db_unique_name

------- ------- ----------------- ---------------  ------------------

86302   TESTDB    987618234        PRIMARY          TESTDB