Friday, December 1, 2023

ORA-00800: soft external error, arguments: [Set Priority Failed], [VKTM], [Check traces and OS configuration],


ORA-00800: soft external error, arguments: [Set Priority Failed], [VKTM], [Check traces and OS configuration], [Check Oracle document and MOS notes], [] error reported on oracle database 64 bit

Root cause:

looks like oradism  (file located under cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin) permission issue.


1) check if the below parameter set to _highest_priority_processes=VKTM in DB level ,if not set

alter system set _highest_priority_processes=VKTM scope=spfile;

2) check cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin oradism  and make sure it has Sticky bit set,if not set the sticky bit and reboot the DB.

cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin ls -lrt oradism (see the sticky bit)

-rwxr-x--- 1 oracle oinstall 147848 Apr 17  2019 oradism  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrong one

-rwsr-x--- 1 root oinstall 147848 Apr 17 2019 oradism >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Correct one